Steve Parr

Three Keys to Becoming a Stronger Leader or Team Member

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link. No doubt you have heard that analogy in the past. Every member of a team brings unique levels of experience, ability, intellect, and passion to the group. The ultimate aim is to have a team with no weak links. Ideally, everyone is growing or at least being “coached up.” Obviously, in a worst case scenario, a team member who is so weak that the team is being hindered or restricted must be removed. You are not that weak link, are you? You are growing personally, aren’t you? You are inspiring the other members to grow also, right? Here are three things that you and each team member should do to keep each link of the chain strong.

  1. Each team member should have a mentor. A mentor is someone who has greater experience, stronger ability, excellent intellect, and exceptional passion who is willing to give some of their time to help others to be more effective at what they do. The mentor should have experience in the same field of responsibility, a track record of success, and a willingness to pass on his or her wisdom to others. Who is your mentor?
  2. Each team member should have a personal growth plan. Growth can happen by osmosis sometimes, but it is not ordinary and less likely as you rise to higher levels of leadership. Growth comes as you read, experiment, pilot new methods and strategies, fail, collaborate, listen to others, subscribe to podcasts, attend seminars and conferences, pursue degrees, “bend the ears” of other skilled leaders, submit to accountability and self-evaluate. That is not an exhaustive list but simply examples of actions a leader or team member can take to grow. What is your plan?
  3. Get out of your comfort zone. I personally am not a fan of stress, but I have learned that if I am not stressed I am not really growing. Some reading this already think that number two is not possible for them because it will put stress on their schedule. Welcome to leadership! I am not speaking here of unnecessary stress but of strategic stress. You must be stretched to grow, and you will rarely find it comfortable. It may finally become comfortable with time and experience, or it may not. I continually find myself in uncomfortable situations because I expose myself to situations that test me and make me stronger. How are you getting out of your comfort zone?

Don’t be the weakest link. Don’t be a weak link at all. Commit to continue your growth and you will be on your way to maximizing your leadership!

Keys to Parent a Post High School Grad

How do you parent a post-High School grad? Are there actions parents can take to help them cross the faith bridge. These are critical months and the parenting journey and responsibilities still continue.

Throughout 2018 I have sporadically shared videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. The May video spoke of The Necessity of Modeling Church Engagement. In June you learned the importance of Building a Network of Spiritual Influence for your child. In August we discussed the most critical six months in the faith journey of a teen. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and me to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay. Also, note that all the videos can be found under the “why they stay” tab at

September is here now, and I want to invite you to view the eighth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video, I am speaking to parents about helping young adults cross the faith bridge after high school. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…


Why Your Team Will Change In The Future

How is your team (staff) doing? Over the years I have had some great teams and some great seasons of ministry with people that I love and enjoy. The team I lead today is not the same one I led thirty years ago, or twenty, or ten. There have even been changes in the last five years. I also understand as the organization that I serve goes through changes in leadership that future changes are inevitable. Some of the people I love and respect the most will not make the journey. That is not necessarily a bad thing but simply a reality. For some, their future opportunities will propel them to places of great joy and success. Admittedly, others will go through painful transitions. In John Maxwell’s book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, he points out three reasons that some team members do not stay with their team or organization during times of change.

  1. Some team members simply do not want to take the journey. They know that change is coming and either does not want to make changes, fear the forthcoming changes, disagree with the changes, or use the transition as an exit ramp to do something else. This is not a negative. The exit is positive both for the individual and the organization. It may be that you will miss them, but why would you want to work alongside anyone who does not want to be there?
  2. Some team members should not take the journey. In some circumstances, an organization has very talented and competent team members who have a different vision or agenda. Their view on leadership, direction, goals, priorities, doctrine (in a Christian setting), or strategy is in such contradiction to the leadership and direction of the organization that they are like oil in the water. They simply do not mix. They are capable but likely will not continue with the current organization. Those who find themselves in such circumstances who have integrity will graciously remove themselves over the course of time, and that’s best for both them and the organization.
  3. Not every team member can take the journey. Oftentimes team members get locked into a position and do enough to get by but not enough to make a great difference. They are not incompetent (though some may be) but they have lost their passion, or they have lost their effectiveness. It may be that they need a new mountain to climb. A new opportunity can be the impetus to renew their growth and to give them fruit for their labor. However, they may have disqualified themselves in the current role or organization because they allowed their growth to be stunted. Ideally, a graceful exit will be arranged but they are not likely to make the journey of change in the current organization.

Enjoy your team…and enjoy your next one too. However, don’t be taken off guard by the changes. Enjoy the seasons of stability and embrace the seasons of change. They are both a part of the journey as you seek to maximize your leadership.

Staying Confident Through Transition

I serve in an organization that is going through a “big” transition. A beloved CEO of more than twenty-five years is retiring, and the name of the next CEO has been announced. The transition began five months ago and will not be completed until four more months have passed. I want to invite you to look over my shoulder as a model of how to assist your team if you are going through a big change. Here is the actual communication going out to our staff from me this week and it is followed by an eight-minute video that will encourage you if you find yourself in transition. I trust you will also glean from me some assistance in shepherding a staff through big changes. Here is the full email to the staff followed by the link to the video…


“I cannot imagine that you have not heard the news by this time. We now know the person that will be nominated to serve as the next Executive Director. Congratulations to Thomas Hammond. It is certainly good to have the answer to one big piece of the future puzzle, but some questions remain unanswered. While we know that any new leader will bring a fresh vision, new ideas, potential reorganization, and dare I say it, “change,” there is still a degree of uncertainty about the future.

Since the time that Dr. White announced his retirement, I have personally sought to provide encouragement, instruction, and to instill confidence in each of you as we look to the future. You may recall that during the June webinar I shared a brief leadership lesson I called “Why You Can Be Confident in the Future.” I believe that it is worth a second view or if you missed it, even more importantly, a first view. You can be confident in your future, not because you know the name of the next Executive Director, but because God knows you and has a plan for your life and ministry. Please take a few minutes to view this segment again.”

Free Copy of New Research on Effective Churches

Dr. Tom Crites and I did a study recently of churches in Georgia that are thriving in our changing culture. The churches identified may not lead in any area that we tend to measure but they excel in many areas including evangelism, discipleship, stewardship, church planting, and leadership. They come in all styles, from all regions of our state, and all sizes. We studied hundreds of other churches to contrast and to see what made the difference and identified nine areas where the attitudes, motivations, and priorities of the pastors differed from struggling churches. The report is called Pivot Points and can be purchased as a Kindle Edition on Amazon for only $2.99. But, as someone who reads my weekly articles, you get a copy for free. Thanks for reading each week!  (Attached the .pdf)


For Blog: Email to send your request.

Eight Warning Signs That a Ministry May Be in Trouble

Perhaps you have known someone that died because they failed to take action. They ignored subtle signs that their health was failing and refused to go to a doctor for medical attention. People are grieved that the person has passed away, but the greater tragedy is that it could have been prevented. It is also sad to see a ministry designed to help the hurting and to see lives changed to struggle to the point of dissolution. It does happen, but you can take action to circumvent the death of a ministry. Here are warning signs that can alert you that your ministry is in trouble and perhaps your leadership role also.

  1. Large turnover in volunteers. Note that it is not unusual to see large turnover at the beginning of your ministry, but it should be less of an issue year by year.
  2. Difficulty finding new volunteers. “I just can’t get people to help or to commit!” Sorry, but that is on you. That is why you are called to lead the ministry. You were placed there to inspire and enlist the involvement of volunteers to carry forth the task of the ministry.
  3. The absence of quality training for leaders. Training is the most quantifiable factor that determines the likelihood of effectiveness in a ministry. If you train well, those equipped will aid in the enlistment of others. If you fail to train you are on your own and the team you lead will lead with low expectations and minimal results at best.
  4. Erosion in the quality of the ministry. Quality is certainly an intangible factor. How do you know? Interview those who have been involved in the ministry over a long period of time and ask them: “How does the quality of what we do compare to a couple of years ago?” It should be better now than ever, or you are going backward.
  5. Erosion in the standards of your leaders. If you don’t expect much you won’t get much.
  6. A sustained decrease in total participation. While participation can decrease occasionally and seasonally, sustained decrease month after month or year after year is the most obvious sign that a ministry is in trouble. A downward trajectory is destined for zero.
  7. Sustained low morale in the ministry. Attitudes can make or break a ministry. Always pay attention to the morale of the leaders and participants. Discouragement never built anything.
  8. No examples of lives being changed. That is what ministry is ultimately about and if no lives are being changed you are not actually doing ministry. It may not happen every day or every week. But if it has been months you know that focus has been lost.

Don’t be discouraged and don’t be caught by surprise. Everyone can do better and heed the warning signs that can help you to maximize your leadership.

The Most Critical Six Months in the Faith Journey of a Child

Which are the most critical six months in the faith journey of a child who grows up in church? It is the six months following High School graduation. What can a parent or church do with that information?


Over the last several months I have shared videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. The May video spoke of The Necessity of Modeling Church Engagement. In June you learned the importance of Building a Network of Spiritual Influence for your child. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.


July is now here and I want to invite you to view the seventh video in the series. In this thirty-minute video I am speaking to parents about the months following High School and critical information parents and church leaders must attend to. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…


8 Ways to Get Co-Workers to Accept Your Suggestions and Ideas (Part Two)

Last week I shared four of the first eight ideas on this subject. Go to this link to read Part One of the blog [Click Here for Part One]. I received a question recently from a staff member about improving communication between fellow staff members within the organization. I shared some thoughts in a staff meeting and believe it might be helpful to you in your work… Here is the question and the other four suggestions I provided:

Question: How do I get someone to see my point of view without making an immediate judgment? How do I get others to “see what I see” so that better decisions can be made?

  1. Demonstrate the highest degree of loyalty possible. This is somewhat of a no-brainer. Why would someone listen to your ideas if they cannot count on your loyalty? Here are questions for you: Are your loyal? Do they know that? Can you keep confidentialities? Are you in the organization for the long-haul? Can they count on you to give them a “heads-up” when you have information that can blindside them? Be sure you are working on the demonstration of your loyalty with the caveat; “to the degree that you can.” Integrity must always trump loyalty. Never allow loyalty to hide immorality, unethical behavior, or harmful decision making. That why I say, “to the highest degree possible.”
  2. Study and understand the personality and learning styles of co-workers. The people around you receive information in different ways based on personality, learning styles, and to some degree their own culture. By culture, it can be the “work culture” that they have been engaged with over time. They may have learned or developed good habits or bad when it comes to their own listening skills. Be observant and study those around you. I once heard it said that you must first seek to understand and then to be understood.
  3. Follow the Matthew 18 principle. While the Christian community should understand this concept, the principle works well with this question in any circumstance. If you are not a believer, I would encourage you to read the eighteenth chapter of the gospel of Matthew and hear Jesus’ wisdom on this subject. In summary, if a person does not hear you the next step is to take someone with you. Ideally, it is someone they respect and trust and that will give your idea or suggestion added credibility. The text is richer than the sharing of an idea but the principle is sound in any situation.
  4. Pray for God to give them “ears to hear and eyes to see.” Since I lead in the Christian non-profit environment I am confident that God has a role to play in this process. I do believe in prayer and in God’s ability to change hearts and minds. Proverbs 21:1 says, “A king’s heart is like streams of water in the LORD’s hand:

He directs it wherever He chooses.” As a believer, I am not averse to praying for God to soften someone to hear and to make them receptive to me because I believe I have great ideas! You should feel the same way if you are a leader.

Make yourself a list and consider what you would add to it so that you can maximize your leadership!

8 Ways to Get Co-Workers to Accept Your Suggestions and Ideas (Part One)

Communication. If you work with a group of people in a church, non-profit, or business, you will hear repeatedly about challenges related to “communication.” Communication regarding marketing. Communication regarding the promotion of your church or organization. Communication between executives and staff members. Communication between departments. Communication with customers. The list goes on and on. I received a question recently from a staff member about improving communication between fellow staff members within the organization. I shared some thoughts in a staff meeting and believe it might be helpful to you in your work. I will share this in two parts over the next two weeks. Here is the question and four of the eight suggestions I provided:

Question: How do I get someone to see my point of view without making an immediate judgment? How do I get others to “see what I see” so that better decisions can be made?

  1. Build your own credibility by attending to the quality of your own work. A person who has a reputation for a high level of productivity is more likely to get their idea across than the person who is viewed as lazy, low-energy, apathetic, or less competent. Your ideas will lack credibility if you are not doing a great job with what you have been assigned. Seek to be an all-star at your work and you can rest assured that co-workers and leaders want to hear your ideas and your point of view.
  2. Build trust through strengthening relationships. I listen closely to those I trust. The same is true for you and for the person that you want to listen to your point of view. How do you build trust? It comes down to the depth of the relationship. It is important that you spend casual time getting to know your co-workers and leaders. Care about people personally and they are more inclined to hear what you have to say. Spend time purposefully building relationships with those you serve or work with in anticipation that you will want to share ideas, strategies, suggestions, and challenges. Their ear will be as large as your personal relationship is strong.
  3. Give the data and empirical evidence if available. Everyone has an opinion and they are certainly entitled to it. However, that does not mean the opinion has any value. Be sure you know the facts, and when you can share objective data to support your point of view, you will increase the credibility of your suggestions and ideas.
  4. For your supervisor or someone in authority, “nudge but don’t nag.” It is important to take stock of who you are dealing with. If the person you want to express your idea to is a person in authority, you can do your reputation more harm than good if you push too hard. Remember also that when you present an idea to a supervisor, and if he or she receives it, you own it. That means you have (extra) work to do. However, if you are a productive team member, that results in motivation for you rather than fear.

Stay tuned for more next week and this information will maximize your leadership.

How Your Church or Organization Can Develop a Culture of Friendliness

Most weeks I write articles to help you advance in your leadership. Today I want to ask you to allow me to model how you lead a church or organization to be friendlier.

  • For the business that equates to more customers and more sales.
  • To the non-profit organization, it results in more volunteers and higher contributions.
  • In an educational setting, it results in an environment more conducive to learning and growth.
  • In a church, it results in more people coming to faith in Jesus.

I preach messages in churches every week and on this occasion, I want to invite you to hear me instruct my congregation on this subject. The sermon title is “Yield to Pedestrians” and you will learn why when you view. The subject is the importance of warmly receiving guests who come to our church. If you are a leader you can learn about leadership as well as practical ways to help your church or organization. It is thirty-five minutes long but I think it is worth it. It will also help you get to know me a little better if you read my articles but we have never met. I hope you enjoy and that it will maximize your leadership.