
Every Effective Leader Does This…

Leaders on every level undoubtedly have demands of time, responsibilities, fires to put out, problems to solve, and administrative details that cry out for attention. If you don’t feel stretched then you are not in a high level of leadership. Effective leaders live their lives in the deep water. It is not as comfortable or stable as the shallow area close to the beach. During all of what was just described you will find one particular dynamic that is true of every effective leader.

Every effective leader is a coach. It begins with the fact that he or she has a team and if you do not have a team then you are not a coach or a leader for that matter. The team may be employees or volunteers but a team does exist. The team may be small or large but there is a team. Who is on your team? Okay. So, you have a team. The question is, how are you coaching them? What do coaches do?

  1. They spend structured time with the team and with individual players working on the development of skills, understanding of strategy, and working together to accomplish common goals.
  2. The coach works with players on an individual basis to identify strengths and weaknesses. A plan is developed to help the player leverage his or her strengths and means by which they can improve upon their weaknesses.
  3. They have expectations and provide inspiration to help the players to not only do their best but to perform beyond their abilities.
  4. They care about the players off the field as well as on the field.

The primary task of any leader is to develop leaders. While a leader is a decision maker and a problem solver, he or she understands that developing other leaders will enhance the ability to do both more effectively over time. I love coaching leaders on my team and I try to take it a step further. I try to invest in leaders who are not on my team. Leadership is a great honor. Legacy leadership is the higher aspiration. Be a coach and you will be on the way to maximizing your leadership.

Leadership is a Team Sport

A great golfer. Bowler. Tennis player. Boxer.  These athletes stand out because of their ability to carry almost all of the load on the road to success. They certainly have others who support them, prepare them, and coach them, but their success comes down to their personal ability to compete on their own. An effective leader understands that their success will not happen in a vacuum and they must effectively work with a team. Leadership is definitely a team sport.

The best of leaders tend to do these things well because of the team aspect related to their effectiveness:

  1. They are good at recruiting people to serve on their team. Perhaps you have heard of Kirby Smart? Nick Saban? They are great coaches with a track record of success. While they know the “X’s” and “O’s” of football, their success is largely connected to their ability to recruit talent. For the effective leader, recruitment involves seeking out both those who are talented and those who have potential. The life of Jesus is a great example of the latter in that he enlisted men for their potential and poured his life into them. The result: They changed the world.
  2. They are purposeful in delegating. Delegation accomplishes these two things at the very least.  First, it frees the leader up to focus on those tasks that make the most difference.  Second, it allows those who have been enlisted to grow in their experience. Delegation is a necessity and it is also a skill. Learn when and what to delegate and you will be able to move your mission forward.
  3. They coach those they have enlisted.  I will refer you to last week’s article [Click Here]  to reinforce the point. Once you delegate you must train (if necessary) and evaluate.  Set your team members up for success, not failure, by giving them clear instructions, and the tools or training needed to accomplish the task(s) that are delegated.  If you can do this you will maximize your leadership!


Portions adapted from Chapter 4 of What to Ask the Person in the Mirror. by Robert S. Kaplan

The Ideal Age of a Leader

The organization that I serve currently has a team that has been assigned the responsibility of seeking the next CEO to replace a long-tenured and well-beloved leader. In addition, my home church has a team similarly assigned to seek the replacement of a well-respected pastor to lead an anchor church in our state. These are strange days for me with these events converging together but what a great time to learn more about being an effective leader.

One common discussion I have observed in both circumstances is the issue of how old the next leader should ideally be. The consensus in both is that they need someone in their thirties who has at least forty years of experience. No, that is not a mistaken sentence but you would be right if you observed that the math does not add up. When Jeff Iorg, President of Gateway Seminary, speaks of leadership, he broadly divides the journey into three stages. They are as follows;

  1. The LEARNING stage at which point the leaders tends to be younger, getting educated, getting early experience, observing leadership, and growing.
  2. The LEADING stage at which point opportunities emerge which gives the learned leader opportunities to apply what has been learned, to implement their unique strategic actions on their organization, to innovate, and to expand their sphere of influence.
  3. The LEGACY stage at which point they have proven themselves, experienced both successes and failures, learned from a breadth of experience, and begin to leave in their wake other leaders who have been mentored and influenced by their work.

However, the stages are not strictly linear. A young leader is already beginning to establish the roots of a legacy. An experienced leader continues to learn throughout his or her life. Leadership takes place from the outset. In the scriptures, Timothy appears to balk at leadership using his youth as an excuse. Moses appears to be hesitant thinking he is too old and unskilled at public presentation skills. The Bible teaches a lesson that is relevant for all but especially for the believer. Leadership is not ultimately about your title, your level of charisma, or your age. How old are you right now? The reason I ask is that I want you to know that you are at the perfect age to be a leader…as am I. Leadership is not measured by age but by your willingness to influence, grow and lead. You can begin when young and apply it when old. That is how effective leaders maximize their leadership.

What level of church engagement best feeds the faith of a child?

How much church is enough? How much is too much? Is there a balance of engagement with a local church that best feeds the faith of your child? Can that balance be quantified? Interesting questions for which we discovered answers in our research of those who grew up in church and remained faithful into their adult lives.

Over the last four months, I have shared three videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.

May is now here and I want to invite you to view the fifth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video, I am speaking to parents about the correlation between their church engagement and the spiritual strength of their children into their adult lives. You will discover the Biblical roots as well as the research that supports the principles you will learn. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…


Five Survival Skills for When You Lose Your Leader

What do you do when your leader announces his or her retirement? How do you function if you are a staff member and your pastor resigns? What do you do if your CEO is dismissed by the Board? These things do happen. Sometimes you are rocking along with your work when suddenly your leader leaves or the departure is imminent. That is the situation where I find myself as a beloved CEO has announced his retirement after twenty-five plus years of service.


For over ninety-five percent of our staff, he is the only leader of this organization they have served. Fortunately, the transition will be more gradual since the actual retirement is several months away. Sometimes the departure is much more abrupt and the circumstances are more dramatic.  You can maximize your personal leadership if you remember and do these five things no matter the circumstances.


  1. Don’t panic. Your church or organization has gone through difficulty in the past and it will again in the future. I don’t say that because I am a pessimist but because I am a realist. Leadership is largely built on the ability to help those in your organization calmly, wisely, and strategically navigate the inevitable journeys through troubled waters. Panic leads to more panic. Calmness leads to calmness. As a leader, you need to take a breath, trust God with the future, and remain calm. Don’t make kneejerk decisions. Be wise and steady and your influence will make the journey much smoother for all.
  2. Do your work with a twelve-month mindset. I am not suggesting that you should not plan further out. I am suggesting that even if you are personally planning to depart within a month or two that integrity demands that you keep your ministry planned for a minimum of twelve-months out always. In other words, if you depart, plans are in place, documentation and timelines are archived and up to date, reservations and invitations have been extended and confirmed, and alternate leadership is enlisted to carry the plans through. Great leaders don’t bail, they prevail by working forward without regard to the departure of themselves or others.
  3. Do your best work now. Everyone can do better. Everyone can improve. If and when a new leader is named, let it be said of you that your value is so great, and your work so outstanding, that you are a staff member that will serve the organization well into the future. For those who do excellent work, there is always a place whether in the current organization or in the next.
  4. Don’t believe everything you hear.  I served in a church once where the theme was “telephone, telegraph, or tel-staff.” Word carried rapidly as it tends to do in organizations and even more so in times of transition or difficulty. What is the word on the street? Everyone wants to know. But be cautious. Don’t believe everything you hear and be careful that you are not guilty of spreading false information that can cause unnecessary anxiety and hinder the work of your organization.
  5. Be an Encourager. There are enough critics and naysayers in the world. No more are needed and certainly not during times of loss or transition. Be the person who believes the best, thinks the best, hopes the best and sees a bright future. Sometimes people and organizations live either up or down to expectations.


I believe great days are ahead. I don’t say that because of any deficiencies in the past. I say it because of the sufficiency of God to guide our future. In the coming months, I intend to move forward and help us all to maximize our leadership!

Four Undervalued Leadership Skills Your Team Needs to Develop

An organization is no stronger than the members or employees that make up the team. Many qualities are essential to effectiveness but not all are equal. Skills are certainly important. I also want team members who are time conscious. It is important that team members are cooperative and manageable. But there are more important skills that need to be identified and prioritized and when done will take care of many other issues. Here are four that I find to be essential to maximize the leadership of your team:

  1. Attitude over Skills. This one in my estimation is the most important. Though someone may be educated, intelligent, possess degrees, and know how to do a job, a bad attitude distracts, can cause chaos, and diminishes the work of everyone present. Everyone has a bad day now and then. Some people seem to thrive on drama, negativity, and cynicism. I will not tolerate that. A person with a great attitude will work hard to develop the needed skills. A person with a bad attitude may have skills but they are toxic to all of those they work alongside. Attitude trumps skills.
  2. Productivity over Punching a Clock. I recently spoke with a young leader who complained that one of his direct reports comes in later in the morning than most employees. The person being referred to also had many evening responsibilities as part of his job. I pointed out that the question was not what time his report was arriving but was the job getting done? I would rather have a hard-working go-getter with a whatever it takes attitude coming in mid-morning (again, assuming the job is getting done) than someone who punches in on time every day and darts for the door at exactly the end of the formal work day. The reality is that some people get more work done in an hour than a clock puncher gets done in two hours because of their diligence, time management skills, and applied talent. Going the extra mile is not measured by the front end but what the person does with and beyond responsibilities.
  3. Initiative over Manageable. Being cooperative, manageable, and a team player is essential. The most effective team members do something above and beyond that. They take initiative. These team members think ahead, plan ahead, and do not require micro-management. They are not rebels because that does not work in the context of teamwork. What they do is understand the mission of the organization, their role, and they are in second and third gear before most people are getting started.
  4. Authentic self-evaluation over Excuse Making. We all have reasons and excuses when things don’t go well. Sometimes leaders must confront team members for mistakes, errors, or deficiencies. Before you meet with this type of leader they have already self-analyzed and determined self-corrections and action plans to correct, reverse, improve, minimize damage, and circumvent in the future. They are not upset by a confrontation because they are harsh on themselves wanting to get things right and do their work with excellence.


A leader or team member like this is hard to find. I assume these qualities are marks of your work if you are reading this. If not, evaluate, change, and allow these traits to maximize your leadership.


Do You Know What Gives Your Kid’s “Home Field Advantage” in their Faith?

Home Field advantage? Did you know that teams in all sports on all levels win more games on their home field than they do when playing on their opponent’s field? Certainly, you can win on the road and you can lose at home but the likelihood of winning and losing is affected by the location of the game. Did you know that research shows that you can give your child a “home field advantage” in their faith? It does not guarantee that they will never stray from faith but it is much less likely.


Over the last three months I have shared three videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.


April is now here and I want to invite you to view the fourth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video I am speaking to parents about proven things they can do that give their children a spiritual home field advantage. You will discover the Biblical roots as well as the research that supports the principles you will learn. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents, and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…


What Top Leaders Do When They Are Unsure

Robert Kaplan states that “almost without exception, successful leaders go through significant periods of time in which they feel confused, discouraged, and unsure of themselves and their decisions.” They will not likely appear confused, discouraged, or unsure in front of their followers and they shouldn’t. The followers pick up on queues from the leader and they always need to see a confident and steady hand. However, the reality for the leader is responsibility, dealing with lots of problems, critical decision making, frequent second-guessing by others, criticism if bad decisions are made, and even criticism when good decisions are made. How do they overcome those periods of uncertainty?

First, they keep focusing on both the vision and priorities. They know what they are because they helped to craft them. If he or she owns a business, they may have established them unilaterally. If one leads from the middle, he or she can quote the vision and list the priorities without exception. Both the vision and the priorities keep everything moving in the right direction even when the fog of uncertainty seems to briefly confuse and distract.

Second, they manage their time well. This skill allows them to place their greatest energy on the things that make the greatest difference. Those who are more entrepreneurial and less administrative may enlist or employ someone to keep their time well ordered. That person could be a chief of staff (by any title), an executive assistant, a gifted secretary, or an associate. A mismatch between time spent and priorities will only add to discouragement, confusion, and lack of forward progress.

Third, they give and receive feedback. They surround themselves with people they trust who can push back, disagree, and play the “devil’s advocate.” The key is “trust.” Some people disagree and criticize to undermine the leader. That is called “insubordination” and is a fire-able offense. Other people disagree and critique even more adamantly but do so in order to strengthen both the leader and organization they serve. They will state their point, argue their case, seek to influence, but the leader knows that ultimately, they are loyal and will implement the decision that the executive or key leader has the right and responsibility to make. Less confusion and doubt abounds when trust is developed and honest feedback is received.

Fourth, they make sure everyone in the organization is aligned around a common vision and priorities. It is the responsibility of the leader to communicate them, evaluate based on them, and to align everyone around them. The larger the organization, church, or business, the more difficult this task will be. Groups inside the organization will always gravitate toward “silo-ing” in their departments or ministries. The effective leader keeps his or her foot on the accelerator and leads toward total alignment always.

Fifth is the most important in the world in which I live. For those who lead a church or Christian organization, prayer, time in God’s word, and the pursuit of Godly wisdom is paramount. For those in the secular world, I personally believe you would likewise benefit greatly. In any case, you will get confused, discouraged, and unsure at times. You are not alone. Hit the reset button and renew your focus on the most important things and you will be on the way to maximizing your leadership.

Some points adapted from chapter one of Robert Kaplan’s What to Ask The Person in The Mirror.


Four Ways Leaders Sabotage the Vision of their Organizations

“Human beings are social animals. They want to belong. They want to be part of an organization that has meaning and by extension, helps give their lives meaning.”    – Robert Steven Kaplan


The vision of your organization, church, or business serves to inspire, give direction, keep you on course, and assist in prioritizing and decision-making. It clearly communicates where you want the organization to be in the future years and points everyone in that direction. It differs from your purpose which is unchanging. The vision adapts and even changes over time but it should never be unclear what it is at the present. What is your vision for the group, team, or organization you lead? Does everyone know what it is? Here are several ways that leaders undermine their own vision resulting in uninspired followers, fewer followers, confusion, unclear priorities and poor decision making.


  1. When the key leaders neglect relationships. What does that have to do with “vision” you might ask? People will not care about the vision if they do not care about and respect the leader…. personally. Articulating a vision is a wasted concept if they cannot trust the person who is trying to lead them there. Vision is an important tool but relationships are an imperative vehicle to get you there.
  2. When you fail to serve people. Every organization has customers. Businesses have vendors, clients, and shoppers. Churches have members and a community that they desire to impact. Organizations have Boards, volunteers, financial contributors, and followers. They are all customers though that may not be a term that feels right whenever you make reference to them. The term in this instance is intended to summarize those people internal and external to your organization who interact through leadership, support, or financial interactions. Treating customers poorly, by whatever language you use to describe them, will turn your vision into nothing more than a cliché on a bulletin board or a brochure.
  3. When you fail to adapt and innovate. “Retro” can be fun, create sentimental feelings, and even feel comfortable as you grow older. However, it can always sabotage your vision. When those you lead are more focused on the experiences from the past than the possibilities of the future, you are destined for decline. Do not confuse this thought with maintaining focus on fundamentals and being driven by principles. On the other hand, innovation in and of itself will not make you effective. Core values are critical but stagnation is limiting at best and devastating at worst. You live in a changing world and failure to adapt to advancement makes your vision appear as irrelevant. If you don’t believe this is true, drive down to the Blockbuster Video Store in your neighborhood and ask them.
  4. When you do not align all key players around the vision. Have you ever been in a tug of war? While it can be a fun competition, it is not the wisest way to experience advancement. How would it be different if both teams pulled from the same side? Do you have several departments, divisions, ministries, teams? Are they all pulling you toward a common vision or are they pulling in their own direction? If so, they are likely pulling against one another. Failure to share the vision and to keep key leaders, staff, or employees pulling in the same direction makes the vision only a dream instead of a future reality.

I assume you have a great vision and you should. Don’t make these mistakes that inadvertently get in the way of where you ultimately desire your organization to go. Avoid these and you will maximize your leadership!


Some portions adapted from Chapter One of Robert Kaplan’s What to Ask The Person in the Mirror.


Four Things You Need To Do When Your Organization Experiences Severe Change

I like change so long as I agree with it!


That line always gets a laugh when I preach or speak to a group and the subject of change arises. Change is always taking place in today’s culture and the rate of change has certainly increased. Here are four quick facts that I have learned about change.


  1. Change is normal.
  2. Change should be expected.
  3. Change is an opportunity.
  4. Change is a challenge that will reveal both your character and the level of your leadership ability.


I would add that not all changes are equal. Shifting a weekly staff meeting to an earlier starting time is not the equivalent of resource losses that result in the release of staff members from employment. Some changes such as the latter are “severe.” What do you do when your organization or church experiences severe change?


  1. Revisit the vision and purpose of your organization or your church. Does this change affect that vision? The answer will ordinarily be “no.” Therefore, it is important for you to focus more intently on the vision and purpose and just as importantly to help others on the team to do likewise.
  2. Re-communicate the vision and priorities. You will likely need to do this frequently during severe change. You may need to re-prioritize for a season or even permanently depending on the nature of the change. Everyone needs to do this but the higher up in the organization or the team the greater the responsibility. However, if you are unsure, don’t assume anything. Take the initiative to pull key team members together and clarify the priorities and then err on the side of over communication. This exercise will not resolve every challenge but will serve to increase stability during the change.
  3. Be conservative with resources and aggressive with strategy. I do understand the irony of this point but both are equally important. Perhaps the change is not related to a financial crisis. Don’t let it become one by being undisciplined about resources when things get shaky. On the other hand, if you do not push forward with strategic plans to the degree that it is possible, you will lose customers or followers who may inadvertently assume you are shutting down, backing up, or that you have lost your passion and vision.
  4. Take an account of your own leadership journey. Change, and more importantly severe change, will reveal a lot about you. If you want to see someone’s true character, watch how they conduct themselves when the going gets tough. The experience of change and severe change is necessary for you to develop into the leader that God intends for you to be. How will you do? Or, how are you doing? You don’t have to like the change or even agree with the change to embrace the opportunity to measure your journey, to grow in your leadership skills, and to prepare for future changes. That’s right. More changes stand in front of you and many will be severe. For the effective leader, it is an opportunity to maximize their leadership.