A Clear Strategy to Strengthen Your Child’s Faith
Who is influencing your children? You certainly are but who else? Is there a way to give your children a spiritual edge that will strengthen their faith? The answer is “yes” and this video will give you tangible ways that you can build a network of spiritual influence that increases the likelihood that your children will be faithfully serving the Lord when they are adults.
Over the last several months I have shared videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. The May video spoke of The Necessity of Modeling Church Engagement. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.
June is now here and I want to invite you to view the sixth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video, I am speaking to parents about the need of purposefully surrounding your children with other godly influencers. You will discover the Biblical roots as well as the research that supports the principles you will learn. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…