
A Clear Strategy to Strengthen Your Child’s Faith

Who is influencing your children? You certainly are but who else? Is there a way to give your children a spiritual edge that will strengthen their faith? The answer is “yes” and this video will give you tangible ways that you can build a network of spiritual influence that increases the likelihood that your children will be faithfully serving the Lord when they are adults.


Over the last several months I have shared videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. The May video spoke of The Necessity of Modeling Church Engagement. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.


June is now here and I want to invite you to view the sixth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video, I am speaking to parents about the need of purposefully surrounding your children with other godly influencers. You will discover the Biblical roots as well as the research that supports the principles you will learn. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…

Every Effective Leader Does This…

Leaders on every level undoubtedly have demands of time, responsibilities, fires to put out, problems to solve, and administrative details that cry out for attention. If you don’t feel stretched then you are not in a high level of leadership. Effective leaders live their lives in the deep water. It is not as comfortable or stable as the shallow area close to the beach. During all of what was just described you will find one particular dynamic that is true of every effective leader.

Every effective leader is a coach. It begins with the fact that he or she has a team and if you do not have a team then you are not a coach or a leader for that matter. The team may be employees or volunteers but a team does exist. The team may be small or large but there is a team. Who is on your team? Okay. So, you have a team. The question is, how are you coaching them? What do coaches do?

  1. They spend structured time with the team and with individual players working on the development of skills, understanding of strategy, and working together to accomplish common goals.
  2. The coach works with players on an individual basis to identify strengths and weaknesses. A plan is developed to help the player leverage his or her strengths and means by which they can improve upon their weaknesses.
  3. They have expectations and provide inspiration to help the players to not only do their best but to perform beyond their abilities.
  4. They care about the players off the field as well as on the field.

The primary task of any leader is to develop leaders. While a leader is a decision maker and a problem solver, he or she understands that developing other leaders will enhance the ability to do both more effectively over time. I love coaching leaders on my team and I try to take it a step further. I try to invest in leaders who are not on my team. Leadership is a great honor. Legacy leadership is the higher aspiration. Be a coach and you will be on the way to maximizing your leadership.

Leadership is a Team Sport

A great golfer. Bowler. Tennis player. Boxer.  These athletes stand out because of their ability to carry almost all of the load on the road to success. They certainly have others who support them, prepare them, and coach them, but their success comes down to their personal ability to compete on their own. An effective leader understands that their success will not happen in a vacuum and they must effectively work with a team. Leadership is definitely a team sport.

The best of leaders tend to do these things well because of the team aspect related to their effectiveness:

  1. They are good at recruiting people to serve on their team. Perhaps you have heard of Kirby Smart? Nick Saban? They are great coaches with a track record of success. While they know the “X’s” and “O’s” of football, their success is largely connected to their ability to recruit talent. For the effective leader, recruitment involves seeking out both those who are talented and those who have potential. The life of Jesus is a great example of the latter in that he enlisted men for their potential and poured his life into them. The result: They changed the world.
  2. They are purposeful in delegating. Delegation accomplishes these two things at the very least.  First, it frees the leader up to focus on those tasks that make the most difference.  Second, it allows those who have been enlisted to grow in their experience. Delegation is a necessity and it is also a skill. Learn when and what to delegate and you will be able to move your mission forward.
  3. They coach those they have enlisted.  I will refer you to last week’s article [Click Here]  to reinforce the point. Once you delegate you must train (if necessary) and evaluate.  Set your team members up for success, not failure, by giving them clear instructions, and the tools or training needed to accomplish the task(s) that are delegated.  If you can do this you will maximize your leadership!


Portions adapted from Chapter 4 of What to Ask the Person in the Mirror. by Robert S. Kaplan

How Your Church or Organization Can Develop a Culture of Friendliness

Most weeks I write articles to help you advance in your leadership. Today I want to ask you to allow me to model how you lead a church or organization to be friendlier.

  • For the business that equates to more customers and more sales.
  • To the non-profit organization, it results in more volunteers and higher contributions.
  • In an educational setting, it results in an environment more conducive to learning and growth.
  • In a church, it results in more people coming to faith in Jesus.

I preach messages in churches every week and on this occasion, I want to invite you to hear me instruct my congregation on this subject. The sermon title is “Yield to Pedestrians” and you will learn why when you view. The subject is the importance of warmly receiving guests who come to our church. If you are a leader you can learn about leadership as well as practical ways to help your church or organization. It is thirty-five minutes long but I think it is worth it. It will also help you get to know me a little better if you read my articles but we have never met. I hope you enjoy and that it will maximize your leadership.


8 Ways to Get Co-Workers to Accept Your Suggestions and Ideas (Part One)

Communication. If you work with a group of people in a church, non-profit, or business, you will hear repeatedly about challenges related to “communication.” Communication regarding marketing. Communication regarding the promotion of your church or organization. Communication between executives and staff members. Communication between departments. Communication with customers. The list goes on and on. I received a question recently from a staff member about improving communication between fellow staff members within the organization. I shared some thoughts in a staff meeting and believe it might be helpful to you in your work. I will share this in two parts over the next two weeks. Here is the question and four of the eight suggestions I provided:

Question: How do I get someone to see my point of view without making an immediate judgment? How do I get others to “see what I see” so that better decisions can be made?

  1. Build your own credibility by attending to the quality of your own work. A person who has a reputation for a high level of productivity is more likely to get their idea across than the person who is viewed as lazy, low-energy, apathetic, or less competent. Your ideas will lack credibility if you are not doing a great job with what you have been assigned. Seek to be an all-star at your work and you can rest assured that co-workers and leaders want to hear your ideas and your point of view.
  2. Build trust through strengthening relationships. I listen closely to those I trust. The same is true for you and for the person that you want to listen to your point of view. How do you build trust? It comes down to the depth of the relationship. It is important that you spend casual time getting to know your co-workers and leaders. Care about people personally and they are more inclined to hear what you have to say. Spend time purposefully building relationships with those you serve or work with in anticipation that you will want to share ideas, strategies, suggestions, and challenges. Their ear will be as large as your personal relationship is strong.
  3. Give the data and empirical evidence if available. Everyone has an opinion and they are certainly entitled to it. However, that does not mean the opinion has any value. Be sure you know the facts, and when you can share objective data to support your point of view, you will increase the credibility of your suggestions and ideas.
  4. For your supervisor or someone in authority, “nudge but don’t nag.” It is important to take stock of who you are dealing with. If the person you want to express your idea to is a person in authority, you can do your reputation more harm than good if you push too hard. Remember also that when you present an idea to a supervisor, and if he or she receives it, you own it. That means you have (extra) work to do. However, if you are a productive team member, that results in motivation for you rather than fear.

Stay tuned for more next week and this information will maximize your leadership.

8 Ways to Get Co-Workers to Accept Your Suggestions and Ideas (Part Two)

Last week I shared four of the first eight ideas on this subject. Go to this link to read Part One of the blog [Click Here for Part One]. I received a question recently from a staff member about improving communication between fellow staff members within the organization. I shared some thoughts in a staff meeting and believe it might be helpful to you in your work… Here is the question and the other four suggestions I provided:

Question: How do I get someone to see my point of view without making an immediate judgment? How do I get others to “see what I see” so that better decisions can be made?

  1. Demonstrate the highest degree of loyalty possible. This is somewhat of a no-brainer. Why would someone listen to your ideas if they cannot count on your loyalty? Here are questions for you: Are your loyal? Do they know that? Can you keep confidentialities? Are you in the organization for the long-haul? Can they count on you to give them a “heads-up” when you have information that can blindside them? Be sure you are working on the demonstration of your loyalty with the caveat; “to the degree that you can.” Integrity must always trump loyalty. Never allow loyalty to hide immorality, unethical behavior, or harmful decision making. That why I say, “to the highest degree possible.”
  2. Study and understand the personality and learning styles of co-workers. The people around you receive information in different ways based on personality, learning styles, and to some degree their own culture. By culture, it can be the “work culture” that they have been engaged with over time. They may have learned or developed good habits or bad when it comes to their own listening skills. Be observant and study those around you. I once heard it said that you must first seek to understand and then to be understood.
  3. Follow the Matthew 18 principle. While the Christian community should understand this concept, the principle works well with this question in any circumstance. If you are not a believer, I would encourage you to read the eighteenth chapter of the gospel of Matthew and hear Jesus’ wisdom on this subject. In summary, if a person does not hear you the next step is to take someone with you. Ideally, it is someone they respect and trust and that will give your idea or suggestion added credibility. The text is richer than the sharing of an idea but the principle is sound in any situation.
  4. Pray for God to give them “ears to hear and eyes to see.” Since I lead in the Christian non-profit environment I am confident that God has a role to play in this process. I do believe in prayer and in God’s ability to change hearts and minds. Proverbs 21:1 says, “A king’s heart is like streams of water in the LORD’s hand:

He directs it wherever He chooses.” As a believer, I am not averse to praying for God to soften someone to hear and to make them receptive to me because I believe I have great ideas! You should feel the same way if you are a leader.

Make yourself a list and consider what you would add to it so that you can maximize your leadership!

The Ideal Age of a Leader

The organization that I serve currently has a team that has been assigned the responsibility of seeking the next CEO to replace a long-tenured and well-beloved leader. In addition, my home church has a team similarly assigned to seek the replacement of a well-respected pastor to lead an anchor church in our state. These are strange days for me with these events converging together but what a great time to learn more about being an effective leader.

One common discussion I have observed in both circumstances is the issue of how old the next leader should ideally be. The consensus in both is that they need someone in their thirties who has at least forty years of experience. No, that is not a mistaken sentence but you would be right if you observed that the math does not add up. When Jeff Iorg, President of Gateway Seminary, speaks of leadership, he broadly divides the journey into three stages. They are as follows;

  1. The LEARNING stage at which point the leaders tends to be younger, getting educated, getting early experience, observing leadership, and growing.
  2. The LEADING stage at which point opportunities emerge which gives the learned leader opportunities to apply what has been learned, to implement their unique strategic actions on their organization, to innovate, and to expand their sphere of influence.
  3. The LEGACY stage at which point they have proven themselves, experienced both successes and failures, learned from a breadth of experience, and begin to leave in their wake other leaders who have been mentored and influenced by their work.

However, the stages are not strictly linear. A young leader is already beginning to establish the roots of a legacy. An experienced leader continues to learn throughout his or her life. Leadership takes place from the outset. In the scriptures, Timothy appears to balk at leadership using his youth as an excuse. Moses appears to be hesitant thinking he is too old and unskilled at public presentation skills. The Bible teaches a lesson that is relevant for all but especially for the believer. Leadership is not ultimately about your title, your level of charisma, or your age. How old are you right now? The reason I ask is that I want you to know that you are at the perfect age to be a leader…as am I. Leadership is not measured by age but by your willingness to influence, grow and lead. You can begin when young and apply it when old. That is how effective leaders maximize their leadership.

What level of church engagement best feeds the faith of a child?

How much church is enough? How much is too much? Is there a balance of engagement with a local church that best feeds the faith of your child? Can that balance be quantified? Interesting questions for which we discovered answers in our research of those who grew up in church and remained faithful into their adult lives.

Over the last four months, I have shared three videos designed specifically for parents but beneficial for any and all who care for teens and kids. The January video was the Driver of a Sticky Faith. I followed up in February with a second video that described The Power of First Steps. The third in March was entitled Balancing Bonding and Boundaries. In April you learned about The Ultimate Home Field Advantage. These videos are based on the research conducted by Tom Crites and I to discover what keeps kids connected to church into their adult lives and published in our book, Why They Stay.

May is now here and I want to invite you to view the fifth video in the series. In this thirty-minute video, I am speaking to parents about the correlation between their church engagement and the spiritual strength of their children into their adult lives. You will discover the Biblical roots as well as the research that supports the principles you will learn. Trust me when I tell you that you will be encouraged as a parent, better equipped to help your children as well as other parents and learn principles that can maximize your leadership. Here we go…


How Effective Leaders Respond To Questions They Don’t Know The Answer To

Nobody knows everything. Leaders depend on assistants, team members and/or staff to serve as a reservoir of information that the team or organization needs to carry out its mission. Whether you are a CEO, a staff member, team member or a fellow member, you will eventually get asked a question that you don’t know the answer to. The way you respond goes a long way toward elevating or eroding your credibility, influence, and perception of your competence as a leader. Here are the obvious things leaders should not do when asked a question they do not know the answer to:

  1. They should not lie.
  2. They should not make up an answer.
  3. They should not say “I don’t know.”

Isn’t number three contradictory to the first two? Not at all if you are skilled at a leader-level response. Here are several ways you can and should respond when you do not know the answer:

  1. “Let me get back with you because I want to do a bit more research to make sure I can be as accurate as possible with my response.” In this case, you bought time without looking like you are out of the loop.
  2. “I’m actually not the best person to ask but I’ll get you an answer. I’ll be back in touch soon.”
  3. “Due to confidentiality, I’m not at liberty to share. You need to see ______________.” Don’t use this response if you have no knowledge. This is a situation where you don’t know details and it may be that you are not supposed to know. You are not saying if you know or not. You are just pointing them to the correct source without appearing to be out of the loop.
  4. “I’m not totally sure but I can find out and get back with you.”
  5. If you have incomplete information… “My understanding is _______________, but I’m not the authority on that question. You need to speak with _____________. Do you want me to help you get connected with them?”

 Remember this as a leader. When you say, “I don’t know” it makes you look weak. If you say, “I don’t know” as a way to damage the other person or team to undermine them or to make yourself look better, that is at best poor demonstration of leadership skills and at worst insubordination. You will not always know the answer but a skilled leader will not appear unaware or be lacking in knowledge. While you should be honest you should not forfeit the perception others have of your competence or do damage to other decision makers by saying “I don’t know.” One last thing. I am not talking about trivia here. “What did the president have for lunch yesterday?” I don’t know and it doesn’t matter. You’re smart enough to make that distinction of when it matters and when it doesn’t. And you will if you desire to maximize your leadership!

How Effective Leaders Get More Work Done Than the Average Joe

Productive? Effective leaders are very productive. They get a lot of work done and have the ability to do more with less. They can do more with fewer resources and with less time than the average person. They are productive. They can get more done in six to seven hours than a counterpart can in two days. It is not because they are smarter, have higher degrees, have fancier titles, have more time available, or have fewer responsibilities. As a matter of fact, they usually have more responsibility but they are “productive.” That is what makes them so valuable and why they are effective. How about you?


What is it that leaders do that help them to get a higher volume of work done?


  1. They have very clear priorities and they will neglect lesser things to give time to the priorities. What are your priorities? Do you know what they are? Do those around you, especially your team members, know what they are? You can have three to five and maybe even six. But, if you have fifteen priorities you really do not have any. The next point is equally important.
  2. They have priorities that drive their group, business, organization, church, or staff toward accomplishing the objectives of that to which they are called to lead. For example, if my business is to oversee three hardware stores and my first priority is to get better quality vending machines for my employees, though I have a priority it does me little or no good. How is it that your priorities are helping you guide and drive those you lead toward success (in whatever way that would be defined for those you lead)?
  3. They do well at managing clutter. Clutter can come in the form of documents, calls, emails, texts, letters, questions, or anything else that occupies time and can quickly become overwhelming. Every item needs enough attention to determine a response but not enough to distract you from good priorities. The highest-level leader brings others into the process whether, staff, an assistant, an intern or a volunteer who helps manage, respond to, or eliminate items before they become clutter. He or she understands the difference between urgent items and important items. Those things that appear urgent may or may not be important. The leader and those who work alongside filter items through priorities and then they respond, delegate, file it, place it on a task list, or they eliminate it. It will not be on a stack on their desk because it has been taken care of or placed where needed with a person or designated time or day to be dealt with later.
  4. They have a system of personal time management. Once again, the highest-level leaders may have someone like a chief of staff or executive assistant who does this for them. Most leaders do not have that prerogative. Therefore, they have a system for managing their personal calendar and their daily tasks. I know before I go each day the tasks that I will be focused on for the next day. How about you? You will note that several leaders have several different systems but they do all have one. What is yours? “I’m not that organized,” you say. That is why you need a system!


What is the benefit of adopting these principles in your work? It makes you productive. It makes you valuable to your organization and if something happens where you are, there are no worries because others will soon be knocking on your door. Don’t be the average Joe. If you are you will never be able to maximize your leadership.