A Personal Note about 2018
Thanks so much for reading my “Maximized Leadership” blog. This is my last post for 2017 and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you will often visit www.steveparr.net to see previous posts as well as to see resources and messages that I have developed. Would you take a moment to read about my three ministry priorities for 2018, pray for my ministry, and consider if I may be of any service to you, your church, or your organization.
Priority One- A: I will be doing all I can to support and develop the staff of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. I serve as the V.P. of Staff Coordination & Development and have the high privilege of serving alongside a talented and committed team of leaders. My desire is that they would be more effective because of the actions I take to encourage and develop their leadership.
Priority One- B: I will be leading the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and Georgia Churches in an initiative called #reachingnextgen. If it is not obvious, the focus is on helping churches to be more effective in reaching the next generation. Please visit www.reachingnextgen.net to learn more.
Priority Two: I will continue to spend time equipping leaders particularly in churches. The methods are a blend of speaking at events, preaching, blogging, and personal consultations. Please contact me at sparr@gabaptist.org if your church, business, or organization needs to be challenged, encouraged, trained, or developed to be more effective at whatever God has called you to do. Most of my events revolve around my book, Why They Stay, as well as reaching the next generation, but I am often called upon as an inspirational speaker for multi-church and local church events on a variety of subjects as well as preaching invitations.
Priority Three: This one is new and I want you to know about it. Are you ever looking for a “Banquet Speaker?” I recently piloted an event that was geared toward the lighter side of communication. I was a keynote banquet speaker and shared about thirty minutes of humor (comedy) concluding with a brief challenging message. It went great and this is something I want to continue to develop. Alan Hall was the coordinator of that event and his email is mulberryassociation@gmail.com. Contact him and ask how it went. I am willing to do six of these next year at no cost (cover my expenses only). These are first come, first serve and are based on my calendar being open. Keep me in mind now and in the future if you know of Banquet-type events geared toward a fun evening with an inspiring message.
Thanks for following and reading. Until next year…