
Are You Leading or Managing?

Perhaps you have heard the idea that “management is doing things right, but leadership is doing the right things.” Or likewise you may have heard that “Managers manage tasks, but leaders lead people.” I have been a student of leadership all of my adult life. Leadership development is a journey and I am constantly seeking ways to sharpen my skills so that I can maximize my influence. “Leadership” and “Management” are often contrasted as you study the subject of leadership and frankly management is always viewed as the inferior skill. John G. Miller challenges that notion. He points out that good management of people day in and day out is what makes an organization outstanding. He makes his point with no less respect to the value of leadership but views leadership and management as equally important.

For example he points out the way that people describe a good supervisor:

My boss communicates clearly what I should do.

He talks with me and listens to me.

When I get it right, she praises me.

He tells me when I am off track.

I was trained and coached.

She spends time with me.

He shows me respect.

These affirmations are all items that effective managers do day in and day out. If you have responsibility over staff, volunteers, or tasks then you are in a perfect position to strengthen the organization and ministry that you lead. Therefore, regardless of your title, regardless of your level of leadership, learn to manage your responsibilities well and you will ultimately be praised for maximizing your leadership.

Adapted from Chapter Twenty-Five of John G. Miller’s Outstanding; 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional.

Do You Really Understand Service?

Servant. Servant spirit. Servant of Christ. Service Organization. Called to serve. Serving customers (churches). Jesus came not to be served but to serve others. Servant leadership.

“Serve” is likely a very familiar term to you. It likely reflects what you do particularly if you serve in a Christian organization. You serve Christ. You serve a church or churches. You serve customers or constituents. Service involves meeting the needs of someone else. Members of outstanding organizations take it just a notch further.  John G. Miller puts it this way. “Real service is simply doing for others that which we don’t have to do.” Think about it for a moment. Real service is not the fulfilling of your responsibilities, your job assignment, or your obvious duties. Real service occurs when you go out of your way to serve someone even though you don’t have to do it.

It can be as simple as picking up a piece of trash as you walk through the garage.  It could be cleaning up a spill.  It could be escorting someone to meet another staff member in your facility. It could be voluntarily staying ten extra minutes to assist a co-worker. It could be setting aside your responsibilities for an hour and going to a neighboring office or another floor to help a ministry getting ready for an event in a crunch. It is taking a few minutes to interact with a staff member from another ministry area to encourage them. It happens when you pause and express appreciation for someone even when they have not necessarily done anything specific for you. The possibilities are really endless. Thanks for doing your job and thanks for those times you serve by doing things that are not even part of your job. That is what members of outstanding organizations do!

Adapted from Chapter Twenty-Four of John G. Miller’s: Outstanding! 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional

The Most Unreported Number That Makes The Biggest Difference in Small Groups

Do you lead a Bible study group? Perhaps you are a pastor or staff member and you administrate groups. Some groups meet on Sunday morning prior to worship. Some groups meet at other times on Sunday and sometimes they meet during the week. Some groups meet on the church campus while others meet off campus and in homes. Some groups are fairly traditional in structure like Sunday school classes and others are more innovative like community based Bible study groups. Some groups are “open” so that anyone may jump in at any time and some are “closed” with limited time frames and are not open to new attendees until a new cycle begins.

Be sure to understand the strength of one universal principle that motivates growth in “open” groups and consistency in participation of “closed” groups. Here is the principle that applies to any group of any size in any place in any format: Your weekly attendance is ordinarily proportional to the number of ministry connections made by group members during the previous week. I can speak for an hour on this subject but let me drill down quickly and illustrate how it works. Group “A” and Group “B” both averaged twelve in their weekly attendance over the past few months. Group “A” begins to focus on intentional ministry connections for the next few months. The members are purposeful in touching base with those who had to miss for whatever reason, invite an average of six to eight guests each week, maintain contact with the faithful members to express appreciation as well as to identify any ministry needs that warrant a response, and have fellowships each month in addition to the weekly Bible study. Over the course of the month, well over 100 ministry connections were made.

Group “B” has also averaged about twelve in attendance each week. They love one another, are serious about studying God’s word, and are fine-upstanding Christians. However, any ministry connections they made were spontaneous. No on begrudges them for being spontaneous, but if you could track their ministry connections, which you cannot because they do not account for them, you would discover that they were not intentional in connecting with those who had to miss, invited only six people to visit over the previous month, did not reach out to even their faithful members unless they just happened to bump into them somewhere, ministered to a couple of families in severe crisis, and had no fellowship apart from the Bible study time. If you could calculate it, you would discover that fewer than a dozen ministry connections were made in the past month.  Group “A” made over 100 ministry connections and Group “B” had fewer than a dozen. Now you tell me…which group is most likely averaging more than a dozen or which group, if closed, likely maintained the strongest consistency in attendance? It is not rocket science but it is not common knowledge or every Bible study leader would leverage this concept. How about you? How about your Bible study leaders?

If you want to know more, I challenge you to take time to read chapter seven of my book “Sunday School That Really Works.”

Raising Up Committed Kids

I recently had the privilege of preaching on a Sunday morning at my home church. God really blessed the message as I shared some of the anchors that keep your children (and grandchildren) connected to church into their adult lives. This is a message that is inspiring and instructive. I want to do something a little out of the ordinary for my weekly leadership post. May I encourage you to take thirty minutes to enjoy the message, to allow God to speak to your heart, and to share with others? Thanks for your leadership and for allowing me the privilege of investing in your personal growth and ministry.

Five Ways Some Churches Increase Attendance Without Really Growing

My first commercially published book released in 2010 from Kregel Publications was titled Sunday School That Really Works.  Whether you have a traditional Sunday School ministry, home groups during the week, or call your groups by some other name, the book is valuable and I hope you will check out. On page 51, I state that your church is not really growing unless the community is being penetrated with the gospel message, people are trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior, and the church is taking responsibility to lead those new believers (as well as existing members) to grow in their personal relationship with the Lord. Now that I have defined what it means for a congregation to grow, did you know that it is possible for some churches to increase in attendance without really growing? Here are five ways I have seen it happen:

  1. Seasonal Growth: Most churches can experience a mild surge of growth at the beginning of the academic year for schools and the Sunday’s that follow the New Year’s Holiday on January 1st. Everyone is back in town, new commitments have been made, new groups are created and attendance often surges. The dynamic is particularly true when comparing the attendance to the summer months when people are vacationing or the holidays when people are traveling. The illusion of growth can appear because attendance takes a seasonal surge which is common to most every church.
  2. Worship Driven Growth: While Sunday morning worship is both critical to church vitality and central as the primary gathering point for the congregation, you can sometimes be misled by an increase in attendance for this particular service. The Sunday morning worship is the gathering of a crowd. However, some churches grow the worship without growing the believers. How can you tell? If a church is making disciples and equipping the saints (Matthew 28:18-20 and Ephesians 4:11-12) then more leaders are being developed, an increasing number of people are serving, an increasing number of small groups are being created, and more new believers are being discipled.  Let me be clear that it is not about the numbers but the numbers do reflect something. For example, if the worship attendance expanded by 20% or more and you have no additional leaders or more people serving, the crowd is growing, but not the number of fully devoted disciples. Rick Warren once noted that you “measure the health of a church by its sending capacity, not its seating capacity.”
  3. “New” Driven Growth: When a church calls a new pastor, a new staff member, or moves into a new facility, at least a small surge of growth in attendance tends to take place. A church would actually do well to leverage this opportunity. It is also not uncommon, though not automatic, for some floundering of attendance to occur during the absence of a pastor in an interim situation. But the freshness of a new pastor leads some members to recommit though they may have wavered or to reconcile if they were disgruntled under former leadership. The attendance may increase but may not be reflected by more lost people having been reached.
  4. Split-Driven Growth: This is a touchy one. A church up the road has a crisis or conflict and families begin to bail. It may not be that the church splits in half but that several families left in a short time span and many follow their peers to a new church. The receiving church has done nothing wrong in this circumstance, but the addition of six, eight, ten, or more families, while increasing the attendance, may not reflect growth. Members are just being moved around. In this case, do not let the increase in attendance to allow you to have a false sense of security and dissuade you from reaching out to the lost and unchurched.
  5. Population Growth: An influx of new neighborhoods can sometimes result in an increase in attendance with little or no effort from the community church. A church that is friendly can particularly have an edge when this happens. The additional families who move from out of the area can be a blessing and the boost can help fill needs for service and leadership. Be cautious in that you should not substitute the addition of new Christian families in the community for reaching out to the unchurched of the community.

I want to emphasize that the church has not necessarily done anything wrong when they experience an increase in attendance for any of the reasons I have stated. Instead of misinterpreting the increase as growth, take advantage of the additional members to make more disciples and to more fervently reach out to more people who need the forgiveness and faith that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Make disciples and equip the saints!

Succeeding with What You Have

My first two years out of college were spent teaching at Pepperell Middle School in Lindale, Georgia. Although my degree was in the area of the Social Sciences I was pleased when they called upon me to teach two hours of Physical Education each day for sixth grade boys. With my love of sports this was like getting dessert with every meal for me. The school was fairly new and had a small gym that was just large enough to accommodate a basketball court with no room for spectators (in other words; as small as a gym can possibly be). In addition, there were no designed playing fields. To add to the challenge I was assigned 60 students each hour. It doesn’t stop there. Two other P.E. classes were meeting at the same hour. We were limited on facilities, overcrowded with students, and forced to do a job with much patience, cooperation, and creativity. I loved it! I did this for two years and learned to focus on what I had rather than what I did not have to get the job done. I think the Lord was preparing me.

The first full-time ministry post for me was with students and children at Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, Georgia. You may know the story of how mightily God blessed in allowing us to see hundreds of students come to Christ in the decade when I had responsibility for students. Did you ever hear about the Student ministry facilities there? Well actually, we never had any. How about the student ministry offices? Too much to say here but you would not be impressed. I would visit other churches with admitted envy when I saw the facilities that they provided for the students and the student ministry staff. But…I was determined to never let that stop me from doing what I could with what I had.

I can always stand to have a larger budget, more office space, more staff, and more elevation of my ministry by key leaders. But it would be a shame to pass up great opportunities by focusing on what I do not have rather than thanking God for what I do have and trusting Him to work, not through the strength of what I am provided, but by the strength of His Spirit. You need not be afraid to ask for more but do not base your ministry on resources so much as your passion, leadership, creativity, and most importantly, reliance on the Holy Spirit. John G. Miller sums it up this way:

“As individuals, focusing on what we don’t have rather than on what we can accomplish with what we do have is a waste of time and energy. In the end, outstanding organizations and their people get the job done with the tools and resources they have been given.”

Good words!


Responding to the Loss of Members

Every church experiences the loss of members. Not every loss is a bad reflection on the church or its leadership. Sometimes people move out of the community and can no longer feasibly continue to be an active participant in the former church. Sometimes people are disgruntled and quite frankly were inclined to create problems rather than resolve them. No one generally regrets the loss of trouble makers. Some people who leave have not been involved in years or never really plugged in to begin with. And then of course there is the loss of those who go on into eternity.

While the loss of some members can simply be a reflection of the normal course of life, like the death of a senior saint, losses can also be detrimental. What happens when the number of people leaving are outpacing the number of new people being reached? What about those that have been lost because of failure on the part of the current leadership to provide ministry in times of need? How about those who drift away because of hurt, whether real or perceived, because of broken or damaged relationships? You can easily overlook losses when the church is growing. But should you? If you ignore the losses of members, you are missing an opportunity for personal growth and a pathway to more effective leadership and ministry. I want to propose that five things should always be true when a family or member leaves your church:

  1. A leader of the church has engaged in a conversation with every member or head of family who leaves to determine the bottom line for why they are departing.
  2. In the event that someone has been wronged, or perceives they have been wronged, the leadership proactively seeks reconciliation, not based on whether they will return or not, but based on biblical responsibility.
  3. Someone in the church has responsibility for tracking who engaged in the conversation, when it happened, what the bottom line reasoning for the departure was, and documents any response from the church when and if applicable.
  4. Every three to four months (minimum), the pastor along with key leaders examines the documentation to determine if there are identifiable patterns. For example: Six of nine families left because of concerns or problems related to the preschool ministry. That is a pattern. Some action is needed to prevent other families from the same experiences. Another example: Three of the twelve families that left in last few months were put off by the political comments of a Bible Study leader. All three couples were in the same group. Is there a problem here? Maybe and maybe not, but it is worth consideration.

Some people seem to live disgruntled lives and cannot be satisfied. Others are looking to be served rather than to serve and move from church to church. But, when you lose committed members who have not left the community, you would do well to ask the hard questions. Really, it is not the questions that are hard. It is the answers! They can hurt, but they can also prompt us to improve. One more proposal if you want to take it all the way.

5.  In spite of the fact that the church is losing someone, and if the departure is                                               determined and inevitable, they graciously and proactively help the departing members find another church. That is a kingdom mindset that is rarely found in churches. I don’t want to lose anyone but I would rather one of my members find a new place to serve, worship, and thrive, than to see them disconnect. That would certainly be a reflection of their immaturity but the fact is that our church was given the task of bringing them into maturity. Therefore, I want them in church. If not mine, then yours.

What compels people to choose your business or organization over others?

Customers do not exist for the business but rather a business exists for the customer.

The same could be said for a ministry such as the Georgia Baptist Mission Board where I serve. Our customers (church leaders) do not exist for us but rather our ministry exists for our customers (church leaders). Don’t misinterpret my point. I understand that we exist to serve the Lord and that our focus is to personally seek to reduce lostness but the way we do that is by serving churches. More specifically by serving the people (leaders) who make up the churches. If you are a leader in a church or even a leader in the business world, the same principle applies.

I recall a summer camp trip some years ago with several bus-loads of teens and hungry adults as we stopped at a Mc——-s for breakfast and restroom breaks. As you are probably aware, Mc——-s has sold several billion units of their primary product. As I exit the bus I am envisioning employees who are thinking; “Alright! Lots of customers! That is what makes us so successful. What an opportunity and what a blessing that they stopped here instead of at a competitor’s restaurant!” Nothing could have been further from the truth. You would have thought we came in to commit a robbery. The employees were visibly irritated that the volume of work suddenly increased. They were more focused on the inconvenience (having to buckle down) of the next ninety minutes than the fact that more customers are good for their future prospects. Especially if they provide good service and good food.

I recently took my wife’s car to get a faulty blinker replaced. I felt like they practically dropped everything to help me and within about twenty minutes my car was ready. I did not have an appointment. “How much do I owe you?” I asked. “Not a thing” he responded with a smile.  “Just come on back next time you need service.” Well, you can bet that I will! [A shout out to Watkins Tire and Auto in Hamilton Mill.]

When a person goes to work they should never be surprised when they have to actually….work. I love our country as I know that you do. But you are well aware of the entitlement mentality that prevails in our modern culture. Outstanding organizations are purposeful in creating a culture with a strong work ethic with a focus on the mission more than on personal entitlements. The work is done with diligence, with enthusiasm, with balance (proper rest & family are not sacrificed), and with attention to the mission. Work in the economy of God is not an inconvenience, but a blessing. Let’s get to work!

Adapted from Chapter Twenty-Two of John G. Millers, Outstanding: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional