Making Multi-Generational and Cross-Cultural Connections
Maximized Leadership: Making Multi-Generational and Cross-Cultural Connections
Is your organization struggling with a generation or culture gap?
Has the community changed over the past years bringing the challenges of a growing cultural diversity?
These two challenges have much in common. People naturally find themselves more effective as leaders among those in the same life stage and from the same cultural background. However, leaders who serve the Lord Jesus Christ do not have the luxury of limiting their influence to people their own age who speak their own language (literally or figuratively). The Great Commission commands believers to “make disciples of all nations.” Study up on the cultures that surround you but jump ahead by utilizing these three actions that transcend all generations and cultures.
- Relationships: Everyone responds to personal interaction that is gracious, loving, caring, and expressive of appreciation. Are you connecting with others simply for love’s sake.
- Passion: You will never lead anything up by talking it down. If you do not believe with all of your heart who Christ is and what He has called you to do, you cannot expect anyone of any generation or culture to respond to your leadership. Serve Him with passion. Colossians 3:23
- Deference without compromise: You need to change. Everyone that grows changes. You cannot be all that God has called you to be without changing. Rarely will you effectively cross cultural or generational barriers without changing or deferring on some level. The key is to do so without compromise of biblical convictions. The challenge is that some people have difficulty separating the convictions from their upbringing. It’s tough and requires godly wisdom. Learn to defer but never at the expense of God’s Word.