How Do You Preach to Inspire Participation in Bible Study Groups?

Schools are getting back in session over the next couple of weeks and that brings us to what I call the “Baptist New Year.” It is the season when we relaunch our small groups, Sunday School, or whatever you happen to call your Bible study groups. New leaders are enlisted, kids are promoted to the next group, space adjustments are made, new groups are launched (at least one or more should be at least), and the congregation is encouraged to get into a group. 

While there are many relevant topics related to this relaunch, I want to touch on one specific issue. That issue is the critical role of the pastor in promoting participation in the groups. I often speak of the principle of gravitation. Whatever the leader elevates is that to which the followers gravitate. Therefore, I invite you to take about thirty-seven minutes to observe as I model this principle of gravitation, along with answering the question by modeling one example of how to preach on this subject by watching a message I shared as interim pastor of Hebron Baptist Church in 2018. I’m not suggesting that the message is perfect. It is far from it. But it was effective in getting new people committed to what Hebron calls their “Connect Groups.” I’ve done this often from a variety of texts and you can too…at any time of the year.  However, take advantage of the momentum built into the beginning of the school year to inspire participation in your groups. I’ll add one more note. It does no good to send members in guests into your groups if they are not healthy so be sure you are equipping and growing your leaders. Find lots of resources to do that at

Here is the message: Get Connected (Why every member needs to be in a small group) on Vimeo