Customers do not exist for the business but rather a business exists for the customer.
The same could be said for a ministry such as the Georgia Baptist Mission Board where I serve. Our customers (church leaders) do not exist for us but rather our ministry exists for our customers (church leaders). Don’t misinterpret my point. I understand that we exist to serve the Lord and that our focus is to personally seek to reduce lostness but the way we do that is by serving churches. More specifically by serving the people (leaders) who make up the churches. If you are a leader in a church or even a leader in the business world, the same principle applies.
I recall a summer camp trip some years ago with several bus-loads of teens and hungry adults as we stopped at a Mc——-s for breakfast and restroom breaks. As you are probably aware, Mc——-s has sold several billion units of their primary product. As I exit the bus I am envisioning employees who are thinking; “Alright! Lots of customers! That is what makes us so successful. What an opportunity and what a blessing that they stopped here instead of at a competitor’s restaurant!” Nothing could have been further from the truth. You would have thought we came in to commit a robbery. The employees were visibly irritated that the volume of work suddenly increased. They were more focused on the inconvenience (having to buckle down) of the next ninety minutes than the fact that more customers are good for their future prospects. Especially if they provide good service and good food.
I recently took my wife’s car to get a faulty blinker replaced. I felt like they practically dropped everything to help me and within about twenty minutes my car was ready. I did not have an appointment. “How much do I owe you?” I asked. “Not a thing” he responded with a smile. “Just come on back next time you need service.” Well, you can bet that I will! [A shout out to Watkins Tire and Auto in Hamilton Mill.]
When a person goes to work they should never be surprised when they have to actually….work. I love our country as I know that you do. But you are well aware of the entitlement mentality that prevails in our modern culture. Outstanding organizations are purposeful in creating a culture with a strong work ethic with a focus on the mission more than on personal entitlements. The work is done with diligence, with enthusiasm, with balance (proper rest & family are not sacrificed), and with attention to the mission. Work in the economy of God is not an inconvenience, but a blessing. Let’s get to work!
Adapted from Chapter Twenty-Two of John G. Millers, Outstanding: 47 Ways to Make Your Organization Exceptional